Friday, January 2, 2015


   Today I decided I needed some thing fun to do with my boy friend, Carson. I had been on my Pinterest the night before, and I saw eggs filled with paint.
 We took a trip to WalMart and got all the items we needed. I got to work as soon as we were home. 
  First I had to crack theses bad boys open from the top to drain the insides out. Whiling doing this, I felt like one of our favorite YouTubers, HowToBasic. After spilling all the guts out, I began to fill the eggs with four colors that the boy and I picked out.

  If I were to do this again, I would buy the bigger paint bottles, so I could put more in the eggs. After filling the eggs up, the website said to put tissue paper over the openings. I am assuming they do this so when you actually throw the eggs at the canvas, the paint just does not fly out. 
   Unfortunately, unless you do this on grass, it is messy and you need tarps everywhere! But I must say, that it is super fun and really cool artwork.

(Carson's is actually upside down)
 This is fun to do, just messy. I think children would especially enjoy this. Maybe a fun Easter activity. I would say this is one of the crafts that did not fail from Pinterest.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Q: If you were able to take a leadership course taught by your most admired leader, who is this leader and what would s/he teach you about leadership?

    I have always found myself admiring our sixteenth president, Mr. Abraham Lincoln. He lived an honest, humble life while fighting for what was right. He started the path to freedom for all, and he painted a picture of what, “all men are created equal,” truly means by providing freedom to African Americans and other citizens of different color.
    If good ole’ Abe was here in front of me with his wise looks and his looming height, I would imagine him as a gentle giant. He would teach one how to show kindness to all, even to those who do not believe in him/her. Along with kindness, he would model a pleasant disposition, and concern for others.  President Lincoln would genuinely care about what his students become in the leadership world and would hope they aspired for pure leadership instead of corruption. Next he would teach respect. Many looked to Lincoln as a respectable figure, and many others did the opposite and despised him. Although Lincoln had many that were against him, he continued to show respect and kindness. President Lincoln’s message would be: to earn respect you must give respect.
    I believe President Lincoln’s overall message is be a servant to your country and your people. He would teach one to put others before themselves and do what is right for the greater good of the people and the world. This would be his goal in every single student he would come to know. He would strive to ensure that the future leaders did not expect special treatment and luxuries but hard work and dedication.  Teaching these tactics would evolve great leaders that wish to serve with kindness and respect, just as Abraham Lincoln did as a husband, father, lawyer, congressman, and president.

I really like how this turned out, and I hope everyone enjoys the read.
